A journey to self-love

A journey to self-love


Lately, a lot of influencers and celebrities share their journey to self-love. They share pictures without makeup on, pictures about their body. It’s crazy that we are living in a world where people have to show and prove that nobody was and ever will be perfect. You will never see yourself perfect until you start to appreciate and accept yourself the way you are. 

I thought I’m fine with myself, with my body. I accepted it, and I don’t have any problems with it. Well, I had to realize that this is not true. I looked at myself in the mirror and I didn’t see my body good enough. I was only criticizing it, and I was wondering how could anybody see this body attractive and how will I find anybody who will find me pretty and perfect. (btw I married this summer, so I did found somebody)

I started to work out every day, and started to eat less. I pushed myself so hard that I realized I’m not enjoying myself at all. Not only that, but I felt quality if I didn’t do my workout, or I ate something I shouldn’t have. Then there were days when I ate so much sweet that it was abnormal, it was really unhealthy. I found myself in a circle where I felt if I’m not going to change something really quick, then I can ruin something what has never been ruined before.   

Then I wrote down my affirmation. “Listen to your body! Control your mind!” 

I decided I’m going to love my body the way it is. Because it is strong, it is healthy, and it can do more than I can sometimes imagine, takes a lot of pain and never gives up. 

I started to look at workout differently. Working out every day is not something I have to do, but something I enjoy doing, and I want to do, because my body needs it. Just the way it needs food and water. Working out is something I’m doing every day, just the way I’m eating every day. The way I choose what I want to eat each day, I choose my work-out as well, depending on what I feel like doing, what my body feels like doing. Sometimes it’s going to be yoga, or a run, or maybe just a walk or 2 hours strength training. I’m listening to my body now, and I’m not pushing it.

It’s important that I give my body time to rest and recover. I’m treating it like a friend, not an enemy. I’m seeing it as the best part of me. I love it as I love my family and friends. 

This feeling, this new relationship gave me something what I always thought it’s nonsense. 

Love. Happiness. Balance. Peace. Comfort. Confidence. 

I always felt these things when I was in a relationship with someone. Because they loved me, they loved my body, so I felt loved, and confident in myself, in my body. Now I’m starting to realize and understand why this journey to self-love is the one and only most important relationship. You don’t need anybody to tell you that you are beautiful, because you see that now.

That feeling is inside you, and nobody can take that away, nobody can ruin that. You aren’t going to walk away from yourself; you’re always going to be there for yourself. That is why it is so important to love and appreciate yourself first. After this you can open yourself to the world, to others with true love, because that is what is inside you. You are reflecting what is inside you towards the world, and you’re going to see the world with a different eye, and you’re going to see love.

Start your journey. It worth it, you will see.

A few practical tips that helped me in my journey to self-love:


  • Workout every day-you don’t have to go to gym or workout with heavy weights etc. Do what you feel like doing. Running, yoga, walking, cycling, swimming and so many other options on YouTube. Be creative and listen to your body.

Think about workout as a daily need, just the way you eat or brush your teeth.

  • Meditate every day– I know it might be difficult at the start but your body, your brain needs that 10/20 minutes switch off. You know that you have 10 minutes in your day. So keep doing it every day until it becomes a habit. Don’t give up even if it is hard sometimes to focus, just do it and you will see results. 
  • Wake up every day at the same time (weekdays) – I wake up at 6 every morning. This gives me a sleep routine and gives me time in the morning to wake up, and get ready for the day. It gives me time to do my workout if I feel like it, or just read my book, or drink my coffee without being in a rush etc. I never thought this will make such a big difference, but it did. 
  • Eat less meat– It started with a challenge. I didn’t eat meat for a month, and I realized a lot of things then. First and the main thing was that I had more energy and I didn’t feel tired at the end of the day. My metabolism system worked better, and I didn’t crave so much junk food and sweet as before. After that month, I ate meat again, and it was shocking how much my activity and energy level dropped. I realized it during my workout. I was struggling to complete that 30-min HIIT workout, what was easy to get done before. That was the moment when I realized I don’t need, and I don’t want to eat as much meat anymore, my body doesn’t need it. 
  • Dance in-front of the mirror– Sound silly. I know. But it really made me feel connected with my body. It made me see myself sexy and beautiful and happy. Don’t be afraid to move your body and feel it. This will make you feel free in your body and will help you to love your body just the way it is.  
  • Give yourself a break – Don’t push yourself all the time. You don’t have to be on the top all the time. You don’t have to do something all the time. You don’t have to work on something all the time. You can call this cheat day, but you are not cheating. You just allow yourself a day when you do absolutely what you feel like, and yes, eat and drink what you feel like. But you will see that, this won’t mean you will eat a lot of junk food or sweet, because slowly, how you’re changing and building in these new habits and because you’re listening to your body, you won’t want or feel that sweet and junk food are going to make you feel good. This will change during the journey. But if you want to eat pizza or ice cream all day, then do it. But I know that is not making me happy anymore because of my different mindset, the different way of thinking about myself and my body.
  • Complement yourself- Every time when you did something great, after a long run or workout, compliment your body. Say it out loud “wow you did it again”, “thanks”, “you are amazing” etc. Sound silly and might feel silly at the beginning, but it will make you feel appreciated more. Remember, your body is your friend. Treat it as a friend. 
  • Say thank you- You don’t have to be religious or spiritual to say thank you for everything you have and ask for more and more love in your life. Every morning and every night, I read a prayer out loud. The prayer is from a book called “The four agreements” by Don Miguel Ruiz. (This book started this whole change in my life.) Here is the pray: 

Thank You, Creator of the Universe, for the gift of Life you have given me,
Thank You for giving me everything that I have ever truly needed,
Thank You for the opportunity to experience this beautiful body and this wonderful mind,
Thank You for living inside me with all Your Love and Your pure and boundless Spirit,
with Your warm and radiating Light.
Thank You for using my words, for using my eyes, for using my heart to share your love wherever I go.
I love You just the way you are and because I am your creation, I love myself just the way I am.
Help me to keep the Love and the Peace in my Heart and to make that Love a new way of life, that I may live in Love the rest of my life.

Well, this is where I am now in my journey to self-love. These little habits are helping me, and I hope they are going to help you too. Remember, don’t give up and see yourself as a friend, not as an enemy. Love and appreciate yourself the way you are. Every day is a new opportunity to try again and try to be better and love more and more. Life can be hard sometimes, but it is the most beautiful game to be part of. Enjoy it. 

Lots of love and enjoy every step in your self-love journey.

For more tips, read my Self-love tips for everyday practice blogpost.


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